News of the Week (April 14th, 2024)


News of the Week for April 14th, 2024

Election 2024


Biden Second-Term Preview in Milton, Mass.
A 2021 state zoning law designed to densify Boston’s suburbs and push suburbanites out of their cars has set off a rebellion in the town of Milton, Mass. That revolt now appears to be spreading across the Greater Boston area. In more ways than one, the zoning brushfire now sweeping through Boston’s suburbs foreshadows a second Biden term.

Appeals court judge rejects Trump’s effort to delay his hush money trial as he appeals a gag order
The ruling came less than 24 hours after another appeals court judge denied Trump’s attempt to halt the trial while they seek a change of venue.

Trump-endorsed senate candidate claims nursing home residents shouldn’t be able to vote
Data shows the average nursing home resident in the US is 81 years old, just four years younger than the man who endorsed Eric Hovde: Donald Trump



Dobbs Decision


Donald Trump Is Half-Right on Abortion
Donald Trump has taken a first crack at clarifying his stances on abortion and IVF, saying in a video message this morning that abortion is a state issue while pledging support for IVF

Arizona Supreme Court rules that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable
Voters will likely have a chance to weigh in on the issue, as abortion rights groups are attempting to place a constitutional amendment on the November ballot.

Arizona Presents a Test of Pro-Life Realism
The Arizona supreme court has ruled that an abortion ban with an exception only for the life of the mother, which was enacted by Arizona’s territorial legislature as part of its 1864 criminal code and never explicitly repealed, remains in force.

‘Forced Motherhood’: Honduras Reported To UN For Abortion Ban
An Indigenous woman has reported her country, Honduras, to the UN Human Rights Committee for denying her an abortion after she was raped, rights groups said Wednesday.

Gun Rights


California law bars non-residents from carrying a gun. Does that violate the Second Amendment?
Gun rights group the Firearms Policy Coalition is suing the State of California in federal court, arguing that a state law banning out-of-state residents from carrying guns in-state violate the Second Amendment.

Second Amendment Roundup: Injunction Against Washington Magazine Ban Stayed Within Minutes
The stay was issued without time to review the opinion and the motion to stay, and without allowing an opposition brief.


Hide the Decline

Environment &“Green Energy”


Climate Cultists Conduct Secret Geoengineering Experiment in San Francisco Bay
The silencing of challenges to pandemic lockdowns, covid treatments, and vaccines has led high levels of mistrust in the pharmaceutical industry and with our public health agencies. This ill-considered, clandestine experiment may strike the same sort of blow against climate pseudoscience.



Government in Healthcare


The NHS is killing us – it is an enemy of Britain
Being born British should not be a death sentence but, as long as we go on believing in the National Health Service, it will be

Belgian Health-Fund President: Euthanize Old People to Save Money
Earlier this month, I noted that a U.K. columnist was pushing euthanasia for the elderly as a way of saving national resources. I suggested that normalizing euthanasia leads to such crass beliefs, furthering our slide toward a perceived “duty to die” on the part of elderly, the seriously ill, and disabled people to help boost society and family resources.

War & Terror


China using AI-powered social media accounts to influence US election, Microsoft warns
An expert said Xi Jinping’s government is ‘doubling down’ on efforts to disrupt the US election with a flurry of AI-generated memes, original footage and infographics about divisive issues

Terror-State vs. Civilization
Putin’s forces continue their “double tapping” against the Ukrainian people. They perfected this practice in Syria. The Russians strike a community with missiles — killing some and injuring others. The injured are trapped in the rubble. Then come the rescuers, the first-responders — and the Russians strike again, killing and injuring them, too. Putin’s Russia is a terror-state, plain and simple. And the civilized world ought to oppose that state, mightily.

U.S. Navy Facing Major Shipbuilding Delays While China’s Navy Expansion Accelerates
“If you think the Executive Branch leadership will address this, you have not been awake the last 26-months….”

Russian Troops ‘Disappearing En Masse’ in Kherson: Resistance Group
A Ukrainian partisan movement operating in the occupied south of the country has reported mass desertions by Russian forces there, with Moscow’s troops refusing to carry out combat missions.

Iran has launched drone attacks at Israel, IDF military says
Iran launched an attack on Israel, escalating long-standing tensions between the two nations.

Kremlin, Racked by Separatist Ferment, Sows Division and Decolonization Everywhere — Except at Home
The world’s last colonial empire, though, is Putin’s Russia.




Arizona State prof sues school for mandatory anti-white DEI training
Professor Owen Anderson is suing Arizona State University over a required DEI course for faculty, a requirement which he claims violates state law.

Police: 3 dead, including shooter, in shooting at Summerlin law office
Three people are dead following a shooting that occurred Monday morning during a deposition at a law office in Summerlin.

Coronium, One of the Most Enduring Mysteries (and Mistakes) in Eclipse Science
During the 1869 total solar eclipse, astronomers thought they had discovered a new element. They were wrong, and the truth was much weirder.

Orange County’s streetcar struggles serve as a warning to surrounding communities
Although California High-Speed Rail is unlikely to ever reach Anaheim’s overbuilt ARTIC station, Orange County nonetheless has its own rail boondoggle: the OC Streetcar. Like high-speed rail, the streetcar is behind schedule, overbudget, and unlikely to provide the benefits project sponsors promised.

Berkeley: Engineer Gets Probation for Premeditated Attempted Murder
Berkeley, California really is a different world. Some of the things that happen in Berkeley will never make sense to me. For instance, last month a Berkeley educated engineer (he received three degrees from the school) was sentenced to probation for an attempted murder scheme that nearly worked. Despite being caught red-handed, David Xu spent a total of 10 days in jail while his victim has suffered years of health consequences.

A graffiti ‘takeover’ roils downtown Los Angeles
Climbing up abandoned, unfinished floors and tightrope walking across balcony ledges, backpacks clanging with cans of alkyd and acrylic, a collective of Los Angeles graffiti artists have transformed their craft beyond urban aesthetics to champion community issues.

Indiana Court Rejects Claim That Driver’s Licenses Must Include Third Gender Option
The court reverses a contrary trial court decision.

Woke Stanford ‘math equity’ professor under scrutiny for alleged ‘reckless disregard of accuracy’ in research
Math professor and ‘math equity’ advocate Jo Boaler is accused of ‘reckless disregard for accuracy through citation misrepresentation.’

Japan and NASA plan a historic lunar RV roadtrip together
It would be the first time a non-American lands on the moon.

Police in riot gear arrest 20 pro-Palestinian protesters who stormed college president’s office
Pro-Palestinian students who stormed Pomona College president’s office were arrested and booked by riot-gear-wearing police on Friday, the Claremont Courier reported.

Most people ‘want to have sex with robots,’ new Robosexuality study reveals
Technology has moved on in leaps and bounds from the days of blow-up dolls to realistic sex robots, which have been ‘built to satisfy,’ and researchers have tried to find out who the most likely customers are

Kentucky Strips Dem Governor of Senate Appointment Powers
Kentucky continues to make (legal) changes to its election laws, and the latest one of these is something that other states should probably consider if they aren’t already doing so. Like most states, Kentucky allowed the Governor to appoint a replacement when one of its Senate seats becomes vacant under certain circumstances, depending upon the amount of time left until the next election. In 2021, the state legislature rolled back the Governor’s influence in selecting a replacement. Now, the GOP supermajority in the legislature has overridden Democratic Governor Andy Beshear’s veto and fully removed the executive branch from the process. In the future, they will hold special elections, with the winner serving the remainder of the term for the empty seat.

NASA knows what knocked Voyager 1 offline, but it will take a while to fix
“Engineers are optimistic they can find a way for the FDS to operate normally.”

Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Neighborhood character, three-judge district court panels, and a moldy office.

UFC star Renato Moicano praises American values, urges fans to read economist’s teachings
Moicano has won three fights in a row


Economy & Taxes


So Now J. D. Vance Cares about U.S. Steel Shareholders
Last year, Ohio-based steel company Cleveland-Cliffs offered $35 per share in a half-stock, half-cash buyout to purchase U.S. Steel. Then, Japan-based Nippon Steel offered $55 per share, all-cash. U.S. Steel shareholders, naturally, prefer the much higher all-cash offer.

The Wurst Option: Germany Proposes Tax Hike on Meat To ‘Save Environment’
German farmers and meat producers could soon feel the brunt of yet another government decision that punishes meat-eating in the name of green policies and climate change.




Chechnya bans music that’s too fast or slow — including Russian anthem
The autonomous Russian region is trying to protect its traditional culture, which exists between 80 and 116 beats per minute

Time for International Censorship Police?
First, it’s a conspiracy theory. Then, it’s something to be used only on rare occasions. Then it is a great thing that should be mandatory.

Six-legged gazelle spotted in Israel
A rare six-legged mountain gazelle has been spotted in Israel. The male gazelle has an extra pair of legs growing from its back, but wildlife experts say it seems to be managing fine with the extra appendages.

Priest jailed after man collapsed from too many erectile drugs at cleric’s sex party
A Polish priest has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for sex and drug crimes after a man collapsed during an orgy at his home.

A Legal Tragedy in Strasbourg
In its review of a case brought by 2,000 elderly women, the ECHR found that the Swiss government can be held liable for violating their human rights. Why? Because Bern has made what the institution regards as inadequate contributions to mitigating the effects of global warming.




There’s something about Tucker
Tucker Carlson devoted the October 9 episode of his X show to the Hamas/Israel war. He opened by searching for “the wise path forward” and asking what we should “do next in this chaotic moment.” For some reason, he didn’t directly answer his own question. We were to infer, however, that it’s none of our business. It might be best to avert our eyes.

No Resting On Our Anti-DEI Laurels
The fight to defund and ban racist campus bureaucracies is not yet over.

The Plague of the Easily Manipulated
We live in a post-modern era where objective truth is considered a lie. Everyone has their own truth. Not only does everyone have their own truth, but people gravitate toward voices to reassure them their truth is right and tell them what is happening in the world.

Short-Term Gain, Long-Term Pain
In politics, you’ll always get as good as you give. Whatever you mete out to the other guys will come back to you. A wise political party will not deploy tactics it wouldn’t want its political opponents to adopt for themselves because the terms of engagement are universal.

Why the Right Can Never Fight Like the Left
The Right in America fights for different ends with different troops, so of course we tend to choose different means.

J. D. Vance’s Logic of Surrender
Vance may believe the country he serves in Congress is a spent force, but the rest of America should not.

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