Despite several Supreme Court cases saying that, yes, the 2nd Amendment is indeed part of the Bill of Rights and, yes again, is indeed an individual right, some states seem hellbent on curtailing this fundamental freedom which exists independent of, and antecedent to, the state… or indeed any state. One such common method is to make it as costly as possible to exercise that inalienable right. In the state of Washington, legislators are considering a bill to impose such a financial burden via mandatory, and perpetual, requirements to carry insurance in case were to ever be used in a crime. The main operative section of HB 1504 reads, in part:
A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows: (1)(a) No person in this state may purchase or possess a firearm unless that person is: (i) Insured under a firearm liability policy or covered by a firearm liability bond meeting the requirements of subsection (2) of this section; (ii) Self-insured as provided in subsection (3) of this section; or (iii) Covered by a certificate of deposit meeting the requirements of subsection (4) of this section. (b) Compliance with this requirement constitutes financial responsibility for the purpose of this section. Proof of financial responsibility to purchase or possess a firearm must be provided on the request of a dealer or law enforcement officer in the format specified under subsection (5) of this section.
All of the “options” require taking on a financial burden that will go on as long as one chooses to exercise their Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. How many of those who are in favor of this bill would consider it a human rights violation for the government to burden a right to vote with the requirement to have and present photo ID?
The bill can, as introduced, can be read here or below: