Eco-Nazi Germans Fantasizing About Murdering Their Enemies… Again

     A German company thinks that young people aren’t being brainwashed enough to worship Gaia and hate evil polluting corporations. What better way to encourage German youth to fight for the eco-movement than to let them slaughter the enemies of Gaia in a VR game!

     In this game you are zapped into a future robot body where you have to reject the E.V.i.L. company (yes, they are literally called the “Environmental Venture Income League”) by destroying stuff and shooting down the E.V.i.L. aircraft including the one carrying the President of the E.V.i.L. corporation.

     And just to remind you that the infrastructure-smashing homicidal characters (the “Green Guardians”) the players represent are the good guys, the game constantly reminds you that   E.V.i.L. company is E.V.i.L.



“We are giving it our all to keep humanity dependent on fossil fuels in order to keep the planet warm, comfortable and profitable for future generations.


     Surprisingly, this is subtle for the rabid eco-Nazis trying to threaten others into helping to destroy humanity. Recruiting you to blow up your enemies is certainly far more German than the British method of threatening to smarmily blow you up if you don’t cut back your carbon emissions.

     These people are downright evil.

     Hat Tip: JoNova.

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