There has been much development in creating artificial wombs, including human trials. Such technologies could provide solutions to many a modern day problem. But artificial wombs are not the the only prenatal alternatives out there. Womb transplants are very real and bring both good and positive possibilities for bringing forth new life… and also corruption to serve fetishes and mental illness.
“It is estimated that 1 in 4,500 women is born without a uterus. It is also possible for a woman to lose the organ as a result of undergoing labor or illness. For those facing reproductive challenges, struggling to conceive can be a process that is both physically and emotionally difficult. This technology, should it become widely available, offers a possible solution that is nothing short of miraculous.”
“[S]urgeons in the United States and the United Kingdom are predicting that womb transplants will allow transgender women to become pregnant and give birth to their own offspring in the next decade. The first baby to be delivered post-uterus transplant was born in Sweden roughly 10 years ago. Since then, womb transplants have been completed in countries including Germany, Brazil, and Turkey, resulting in the birth of around 50 babies.”
This moral pondering ignores a noble third alternative: Gestational Surrogacy via Catgirls! It’d be one sure fire way to solve the problem with declining birth rates!
A little mood music.