The proponents of legalized abortion style themselves as “pro-choice” and that the choice of a woman or girl to have an abortion is sacrosanct and must be protected. Of course, that “choice” seems to only be protected in one direction, particularly in Nevada. Even before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Nevada’s laws protected the right to an abortion such that the legislature was restricted from overturning that. But that protection wasn’t enough.
This past Fall, a measure to enshrine the most extreme procedures with full dearth of limits was passed by the voters, and will become part of the state’s Constitution when passed again, as seems likely, in the Fall of next year. But even that isn’t enough for some. A bill, AB 101, has been introduced to the Nevada Assembly the belies the use of “choice” by attacking pregnancy centers that do not perform or refer people for abortions by labelling them “deceptive” in that “health care” and “pregnancy” is presumed to be one and the same. It reads, in part:
- A health care facility shall not make or disseminate, or cause to be made or disseminated, to the public in any newspaper or other publication, in any advertising device, over the Internet or in any other manner a statement that the health care facility knows or should know is deceptive concerning any service that is or is not offered by the health care facility.
- For the purposes of subsection 1, a statement is deceptive if the statement includes, without limitation, assertions to mislead persons to believe that the health care facility provides a health care service that the facility does not actually provide.
The bill would empower the Attorney General, currently a Democrat planning to run for Governor in 2026 the power to punish a pro-life pregnancy center because they don’t offer “pregnancy” “healthcare” in the form of abortion services.
Even worse, it regulates (and restricts) the use of medication to specifically to stop or reverse the initial stages of an abortion, but not cause one.
Upon determining that prescribing, dispensing or administering a medication to stop or reverse an abortion meets generally accepted standards of the practice of medicine, the Board may, in consultation with the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of Nursing and State Board of Pharmacy, adopt regulations authorizing a physician or physician assistant to prescribe, dispense or administer medication to stop or reverse an abortion. Any such regulations must specify:
(a) Each medication that a physician or physician assistant may prescribe, dispense or administer to stop or reverse an abortion; and
(b) The required procedures for prescribing, dispensing or administering a medication specified pursuant to paragraph (a) to stop or reverse an abortion.
It’s only a “choice” if you choose what they want you to choose.
The bill can be read here, or below: