The Madness Of Tucker Carlson

     Once upon a time, Tucker Carlson was a bowtie-wearing young man with insightful and thoughful ideas. Then, in a change of course, he began wearing a necktie and some time thereafter began speaking as a contrarian, speaking of economic ridiculousness and going widdershins from supporting the War on Terror to full blown “Blame America First” to the point beyond where even Pitchfork Pat would be aghast by defending Nazi apologia and even beyond Walter Duranty in his worship of Russia.

     But that doesn’t signal true madness.   Yes, there is the inevitable overreach of whatever message he’s trying to peddle, but he’s gone far beyond that by blaming everything on Satan.

     This is beyond even Satanic Panic 2.0. Tucker Carlson honestly seems to believe that demons attacked him.

     Considering his political turn, one could surmise that playing with Captain Howdy came at a cost, but his obsession with the occult plotting against by using abortions to cause hurricanes us all goes far beyond that.

     And now, Tucker is declaring science itself to be a tool of the devil!

     He’s gone beyond Satanic Panic grift to being in need of serious psychological help.

     A little mood music.

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