The Government Is Not Your Daddy

     Back when Barack Obama was President, Chris Rock said that “the president and the first lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country. And when your dad says something, you listen. When you don’t, it usually bites you in the ass later on. So I’m here to support the president.” Back then, Republicans and conservatives decried the idea that the government was your or anyone else’s parent.

     Demonstrating that the Old Left is just the New Right, Republicans are now not only applauding the idea that government is your “Daddy”, but now giddy about that “Daddy” spanking America like a naughty little girl. Tucker Carlson (Hitler apologia defender, Putin sycophant, and “peaceful tourist” fantasist) giddily fantasizes about America being a bad girl who will be given a vigorous spanking by the coming Trump Presidency.

     Beyond the creepy delivery, this show just how much Obama broke people on the Right, and how much of that old sentiment of the Left was maintained when much of it migrated to the Republican Party.

     The New Right (or “Woke Right”) aren’t opposed to government being your parent, they just prefer “Big Daddy” government rather than “Big Mommy” government.   Many people thought that Obama was effeminant and pined away for a “strong manly man” like Vladimir Putin.   They wanted a “Daddy” of their own and found it in Donald Trump.

     This is the face of the true Uniparty: The state is your parent, and the only choice you have is a spanking from “Mommy” or a spanking from “Daddy”.

     Zoot and Dingo hardest hit, IYKWIMAITTYD

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