Quick Takes – Madness Of The California Legislature: Speeding Cars Beep; Taxpayer Funder Union Dues; Doubleplusungood Deepfakes

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: What’s more crazy than a California Governor? The California Grand Soviet, of course!

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     If you speed, the California legislature want to remind you that you are being naughty, over and over again.

“[A] new driver safety law passed the California legislature. Senate Bill 961 requires every passenger vehicle of the 2030 model year and beyond to “utilize a brief, one-time, visual and audio signal to alert the driver each time the speed of the vehicle is more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.” Passing the Assembly 42–12 and the Senate 26–9, the only thing that stands between S.B. 961 becoming law is Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature. Once the bill becomes law, violations would not carry mere civil penalties but ‘would be punishable as a crime.’”

     There’s more to corporatism than corporations, especially in California where the California Legislature wanted taxpayers to subsidize the Unions.

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed a bill […] forcing California taxpayers to pay up to $400 million of public and private employees’ union dues.

“This legally questionable, ethically adulterated move is yet another blow against beleaguered Californians.

“On its surface, the law, Assembly Bill 185, provides $400 million of taxpayers’ money to a select group of people who purchase a private, optional service. (The so-called tax credit is refundable, or available to people who do not pay state income taxes, which makes it a payment instead of tax credit.)

“The stated intent ‘is to help individuals with the cost of being a member of a union.’

“But California lawmakers haven’t passed or proposed bills providing hundreds of millions of dollars to help individuals with the cost of becoming members of AAA or their local gym or farm bureau. So, why the special handouts for labor unions alone?”

     The California Legislature goes so far, even judges there need to keep them in check.

“Judge Blocks California Law Restricting ‘Materially Deceptive’ Election-Related Deepfakes

“The judge concluded that the law, AB 2839, likely violates the First Amendment, and therefore issued a preliminary injunction blocking it from going into effect.


“The court began by concluding that AB 2839 doesn’t fall within the existing defamation exception to First Amendment protection, and isn’t subject to any other doctrine that categorically lowers protection for false statements in election campaign”


“The court therefore evaluated the statute, as a content-based speech restriction, under strict scrutiny and concluded that it likely failed that test


“And the court held that the disclosure requirement for materially deceptive videos that are nonetheless parody or satire was also unconstitutional”.


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