No More Mother, No More Father

     The blurring of the lines between men and women has long come in the form of denying any distinction and indeed any distinction of “gender” or mandated “gender neutral” ideology.   This has spread to a general assault of the English language and the very concept of “father” and “mother” around the world, in the courts, in Left-wing states, and even Congress.   Now, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will replace the terms “mother” and “father” on birth certificates to, respectively, “person who gave birth” and “other parent”, respectively. Bill H.4970 (2024) also changes “child born out of wedlock” to the more innocuous “nonmarital child”, and abolished paternity as a concept distinct from maternity—which is consistent with reality and experience—with the more generic “parentage.”

     The gender neutral wording is an unnatural usage and completely at odds with the difference of determining paternity and maternity in order to pretend that determining parentage is the same regardless of the gender/sex of the parent! The bill itself is primarily a series of substitutions and a creating of new gender neutral terms to replace centuries of what had been obvious.

     The final bill as approved and sent to the Governor can be read here, or below:

Massachusetts H4970 (2024) by ThePoliticalHat

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