Cuba, Then Venezuela, And Now Columbia?

     Ah yes, that Communist dictatorship of Cuba, where people wait in line for hours to not starve and cracks down on any who dare show discontent. Things in Cuba are getting worse since their main clients and source of income, Russia, is preoccupied with the entire invading the Ukraine things…

     Still, Cuba continues to ear millions of dollars off of their slave doctors. And just who is helping round up slave doctors who dare to escape? Unsurprisingly, it’s Venezuela.

     Venezuela is hurting so badly, they may have released a political prisoner, allow a stock sale, and even had to allow a member of the opposition win a local election to maintain the fig leaf of “democracy” and “choice”. Yet despite all this, President Biden is starting to cozy up for that sweat, sweat, oil!

     Yet despite both Cuba and Venezuela being shining beacons of what to avoid, Columbia has voted a far left terrorist/guerrilla as President.

“Leftist Gustavo Petro, a former member of the M-19 guerrilla movement who has vowed profound social and economic change, will be Colombia’s next president after beating construction magnate Rodolfo Hernandez in an election on Sunday.

“Petro, a current senator and previous mayor of Bogota, won 50.8% of votes, figures from the national registry office showed, while Hernandez trailed by 797,973 votes, tallying 46.9%.”

     As Heinlein would put it… “bad luck”.

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