After being exposed to the horror that is Common Core math, the decomposing of numbers rises again:
I did not hate 1st grade common core math.
Stumped by 2nd grade on day 7.
It is me? Math major.
— CarmenDelessio (@carmendelessio) September 12, 2014
According to this worksheet there is only one “correct” way of re-combobulating numbers, and the child would invariably be punished for getting the correct answer even through they do it in a perfectly valid way.
Just what is the correct answer?
@BradyloBeth @NYSAPE
15 is 14 & 1, 14 – 4 = 10, 10 + 1 = 11, 15 – 4 = 11. per @BradyloBeth
— CarmenDelessio (@carmendelessio) September 12, 2014
The real answer? As far as the modern state of education goes, the answer is “potato.”
Hat Tip: Twitchy.
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