Tag Archives: Lulz

Why American Public Schools Are A Joke

     Reason № ∞ + 1 These are the people teaching our kids 😬 pic.twitter.com/AMnvrL8N59 — Anthony 🇺🇸🇮🇹 (@Antman0528) October 21, 2021      Oh, did I mention this is supposed to be math class? Because, yes, it is supposed to be a … Continue reading

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Allah vs The Astral Witches

     Woke witches have used their “magic” to fight many unwoke enemies, including non-anti-racists in academia, Brett Kavanaugh, the Confederacy, and even White urban hipsters. But now it seems that they’ve waged war against someone way out of their league: Allah. … Continue reading

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Casting +3 Cringe With Social Justice Buttons

     By now it’s practically a given than there is a huge overlap between Social Justice Warriors and self-proclaimed witches. It is also a given that they tend to mix up reality with fantasy including woke versions of D&D classes. Now, … Continue reading

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Witch-verse of the Federation

     Mastadon is one of many independent open protocol social networking sites that are capable of interacting with each other similar to e-mail, as opposed to closed social media like Twitter or Facebook. This “Fediverse” allows people to set up their … Continue reading

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The Ultimate In Queer Pride? The Hyena Of The Gestapo!

     So desperate are some to portray “strong” and “transgressive” women who are also queer for that additional intersectional sheen of wokeness, that they ignore the fact that the person they are celebration, one Violette Morris, is… not only a Nazi … Continue reading

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Artificial Wombs And Chimera Embryos Mean One Thing: Test-Tube Catgirls

     The main argument for legalized abortion is that it is all about a “woman’s right to choose” what happens to her body and that the personhood of the natal child is just being used as an excuse to “control women”. … Continue reading

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France vs. Critical Race Theory

     Many states in the United States including New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Iowa have moved to ban the teaching the furtherance of Critical Race Theory.   However, due to the 1st Amendment, it is impossible to fully outlaw it. France, … Continue reading

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Cyberpunk Catgirls in Nevada?

     One of the common tropes of the “cyberpunk” genre is megacorps that have basically replaced the government and do whatever they want. Now there are plans to make this real in Nevada.One of the common tropes of the “cyberpunk” genre … Continue reading

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Presumptive Turnabout Is Presumptive Fair Play

     Communist & Terrorist (but then I repeat myself) “Doctor” Angela Davis sees her race enemies everywhere. Happy birthday to Dr. Angela Davis! "I feel that if we don't take seriously the ways in which racism is embedded in structures of … Continue reading

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Witches and Warlocks and Pumpkin Possums!

     If Alex Jones thinks you are a crazy conspiracy nutter… you might want to reexamine your life. "Witches and Warlocks and Pumpkin Po(p)ssums!" pic.twitter.com/7F2dwiuvSP — Political Hat Blog (@PoliticHatBlog) January 11, 2021 Tweet

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