Quick Takes – Thrill Kill Euthanasia: Killing Outside The Law; Killing For Fun; Killing The Mentally Ill

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: At least they love their work, right?

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     Is it any surprise that Canada has the doctor who will do anything to kill?

“If authorities — ever so gently — try to enforce the rules, euthanasia advocates and medical associations warn that it will chill doctors from dispatching patients. We’ve seen that pattern followed repeatedly in Netherlands — and now in Quebec, where authorities asked doctors to please, please, please, stay within the law, which is very loose already. From the CBC story:

“‘The memo reminds doctors of several guidelines, including that requests due to old age do not meet provincial criteria for the procedure, and an independent opinion from a second doctor isn’t a formality — it’s a requirement. Bureau said any deviation from the rules can be a slippery slope, especially as the commission is seeing an increasing number of requests for MAID.’

“It’s just too ridiculous. The slippery slope is already slip-sliding away. This is precisely how it works.”

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The Killdozer Right

     One of the most noticeable changes in politics has been the rise in emotionalism. Oh, there have always been passionate people in politics, on both sides. The Left and the Democratic party has certainly had their share, with plenty of examples from lunatic Gaia worshippers who hate mankind to the recent campus take-overs by Jew-hating “anti-colonialism” agitators and their useful tools.

     The Right, however, has not been immune to this. Rather than mere passion, there has been a rise in an intense emotional need of so many who got into politics in the last decade in the Republican party or assorted fringe groups. Politics, for them, have become less about having a passion to effect change but a personal psychological need amongst so many.

     Some simply finally saw through the thinning ablative armor of social norms to finally see the consequences of the Left’s long march through the institutions. Others simply refuse to take the long road and wish to bring it all down in the delusion that they not only will necessarily be the ones to rebuild society, but that they can themselves become intelligent designers of the immanentized eschaton—a rather Leftist belief that.

     It is many in that later group, particularly the ones who either that can conquer and impose, or have just given up and need to scratch that proverbial itch to achieve emotional catharsis, that is dangerous to America remaining a going concern. Yes, the Left have had such people en masse, and had them for longer than the Right in any appreciable numbers (or at least the political impact thereof), but the Left has learned to control and use this excess emotionalism to the ends of the more sober and strategic amongst them. The Right, being more new to this, have let the smaller fringe have full freedom to emote and range in all their sound and fury, while allowing them an outsized voice and impact.

     This need to say “screw it all” and and destroy your enemies and what your enemies have is very reminiscent of an event that happened twenty years ago this month: The Killdozer.

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Firing Line Friday: Russia and the Food Crisis

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     Fifty years ago the United States was suffering inflation, with food prices exceeding general inflation numbers. Fifty years ago, the question of Russia and the need for a supply of wheat and grains was of geopolitical importance. Today, we have inflation, with food prices ecceeding general inflation numbers, and the geopolitical issue of Russia and the one of the major breadbaskets of the world, Ukraine. Let us look back half-a-century ago when William F. Buckley, Jr. and Morton I. Sosland discussed Russia and the food crisis.

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Quick Takes – Academic Madness: Racist Picnics; Woke Medicine; Black Is The New Gender

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Maybe it’s time we should retake the asylums from the inmates?

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     Even if something isn’t racist, it’s still racist, at least at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“A scheduled ‘picnic’ sponsored by the University of Nevada Las Vegas law school’s Environmental Law Society has been renamed ‘Lunch by the Lake’ due to ‘diversity and inclusion’ concerns.

“According to a memo obtained by Libs of TikTok, the law group informed members that the word ‘picnic’ has “historical and offensive connotations,” and apologized for ‘any harm or discomfort’ caused by its use.

“The group’s view mirrors that of the University of Michigan’s IT department from several years ago: ‘Picnic’ was included in a ‘Words Matter Task Force’s’ list of offensive words and phrases along with ‘brown bag,’ ‘blacklist’ and ‘long time, no see’ among others.

“At the time, Reuters did a fact check on the alleged offensiveness of ‘picnic’; its verdict: It ‘does not originate from racist lynchings’ but instead comes from the 300-plus-year-old French word ‘pique-nique,’ meaning a potluck-like social gathering.”

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News of the Week (June 2nd, 2024)


News of the Week for June 2nd, 2024

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Firing Line Friday: The Future of the GOP

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     The question of the future of the Republican Party is as hotly debated now as it was half-a-century ago, particularly over the question of claims of Presidential wrongdoing.   Let us look back then when William F. Buckley, Jr. discussed the future of the GOP with Gerald Ford, Robert Kuttner, Frank Donatelli, and Martha Angle.

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Firing Line Friday: The Nixon Experience and American Conservatism

     In the hopes of encouraging a more civil, and illuminating, discourse, here is another episode of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s “Firing Line”.

     How much does one politician affect an entire movement, not just while in power, but far into the aftermath? William F. Buckley, Jr. discusses with his then-Senator brother James Buckley the question of half-a-century, namely the Nixon experience and American conservatism.

     Until next Friday.

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Quick Takes – Canada Killing: Specialized In Killing; Plethora Of Killing; Hidden Killing

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Canada really would rather you be dead.

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     In Canada, the most important part of being a doctor in their socialist system isn’t about curing diseases or treating injuries… it’s about killing people.

“ The Canadian government is teaching doctors to become euthanasia killing specialists. From the Canadian-government press release:

“‘Today, the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, and the Honourable Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, welcomed the release of the Canadian MAiD Curriculum developed by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP). This Curriculum is the first nationally accredited, bilingual MAiD education program available to licensed physicians and nurse practitioners across the country and will help achieve a safe and consistent approach to care.

“‘Since being announced in July 2022, this multi-year project has developed a series of training modules to advise and support clinicians in assessing persons who request MAiD, including those with mental illness, complex chronic conditions, or who are impacted by structural vulnerability, as well as help with the practical application of the MAiD legislative framework. It will be delivered through a combination of online and in-person learning sessions for interested health practitioners, regardless of their level of experience.

“And here’s a point to be emphasized — it’s also about killing physically healthy people with mental illnesses:

“‘This is another step in the work by all levels of government to prepare Canada’s health care system for the expiry of the exclusion of MAiD eligibility for people suffering solely from a mental illness on March 17, 2024. The Government of Canada will continue working with provinces and territories (PTs), and health partners to support MAiD practice in Canada, including careful assessment of requests, so that it operates in a consistent and safe manner across the country, recognizing PT differences for health care delivery.

By definition, the concept of “safe” killing is oxymoronic. Euthanasia isn’t medical care. It is homicide.”

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Populism Isn’t Democracy, It’s Ochlocracy

     One of the great achievements, and integral elements of America as a civic nation (and formerly the Anglosphere more widely), was the keystone concept of liberty under law—an ordered liberty ordered not by either a ruling elite or some Rousseau-esque volonté générale, but by that great contract that is “a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those whoa re dead, and those who are to be born”, as Edmund Burke wisely noted.

     This very concept brings forth the very essence of equality under the law by the equal application of rules without prejudice or favor. By grounding our laws and rules with history, tradition, and common law sensibility, we create laws of a general nature, equally applicable to all according to the facts and circumstances. This is the way to prevent some ruling over others: To rely on the “fixed principles and institutions of society express[ing] not merely the present opinions of the ruling part of the community, but the accumulated results of centuries experience”, as James FitzJames Stephen noted consistent with the understanding of Burke. It is the lodestone that dissuades tyranny, and provides a guidelight back when we stray—to eschew that is folly.

     It is when we eschew such limitations that we empower whoever does rule over us to do so without practicable limit beyond perpetual civil war.

     Yet some on the post-conservative Right (that some refer to as the “trans-conservatives”) embrace the oppressor/oppressed power dynamic of the hard Left with all the dripping Marxist seething of their intellectual forefathers. In this false framing they focus not on restraining power, but using that power against some imagined elite as if it were the One Ring in order to vanquish some real life Sauron!

     Oh, there are those who deign to rule over us all, and accumulate power and influence to do so. Your humble author has for well over a decade on this blog decried, condemned, and belittled Nomenklatura. But rather than work towards a restoration of the rule of law, some have become envious and wish to use power to to rule over the elite, regardless of whether they are Nomenklatura, or simply are declared to not work for the common good as defined by whoever will have the power to define it. There is a difference between Nomenklatura and people who simply have achieved some leadership role, gained some position of relative influence, or simply have money.

     The false dilemma fallacy of elites vs. the people is an old one, and just as fallacious now as it has always been. It is quite a fancy to see “populism” as the perfect solution to rein in disagreeable elites, as if “the people” were some single entity with a common will, a volonté générale if you will, rather than a potential mob to be manipulated and used by a populist elite like a sheepdog guiding sheep. But then, they might even claim that the sheepdog is simply animating vessel of the collective will of the sheep!

     Such anti-elite elites declare populism, as they define and shape it, is but true democracy! In truth, populism is the most elitist of political ideologies. Rather than populism being democracy, populism is in reality ochlocracy with a thin veneer of superficial legitimacy. But some people try to claim otherwise by painting opposition as the evil elite to be overcome… and who wants to side with this “evil elite”? If you don’t oppose these “evil elite” then you are not one of the “ordinary people”. Do note the false dilemma fallacy underpinning this type of argument, along with reliance on non sequiturs, strawmen, class warfare, and other song  n’ dance measures.

     Note how, ironically, he redefines populism as being specifically the hoi polloi standing up against the elite and being antithetical to it, as if a populist leader is somehow inoculated from elitism or elitist rule by spiritual balm of the volonté générale!

     It is easy for people to fool themselves into thinking that they are the ones who rule under a populist regime. As James FitzJames Stephen notes:

“People came in time to regard their rulers rather as their own agents and the depositaries of their own power than as antagonistic powers to be kept in check, and it did not occur to them that their own power exercised through their own agents might be just as oppressive as the power of their rulers confined within closer or wider limits.”

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News of the Week (May 19th, 2024)


News of the Week for May 12th, 2024

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