Quick Takes – Gender Bending: In The Schools; In Utero; In Opposition

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Not MY Social Construct…

     First, a little mood music:

     Carrying on…

     Because some peoples feelz are more equal than others. So much for lack of privilege and power

“A male student claiming he is a girl is bullying other girls for not letting him watch them change, or engage in lewd acts around them. In any common sense situation, this student would viewed as a pervert, and the school would act immediately to protect the girls from this situation progressing.

“Clearly, these girls want nothing to do with the boy, but due to the school enforcing rules that are supposed to “prevent bullying,” these girls are considered bullies for not going along with it. Because they are basing their views in reality, and not going along with the cause célèbre, they are now villains, who in the eyes of the left, are bigots and ‘phobes.’

“They are not. They are typical girls, who want to protect their privacy, and safeguard themselves in their more intimate moments from a student who is not a girl. Student X believes that he is somehow entitled to these intimate moments, and leftists like Ford believe he is correct. Again, they are not. X is not a girl, and has zero right to force actual girls into interacting with him during their moments of vulnerability. That Ford and the left believe the girls are somehow in the wrong here is nothing short of lunacy.”

     In order to square the “gender is a social construct” shtick with “innateness” requisite for legal protection, fetuses somehow have gained the right to identify as a trans-person… despite not being a (legal) person…

“Katie Couric sympathizes with the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood. But when it comes to gender, she admits that the unborn can ‘feel.’

“Last week, Ellen DeGeneres invited Yahoo anchor Katie Couric on her show to discuss her “incredible” upcoming National Geographic documentary, Gender Revolution, which confronts ‘gender identity in this country.’ And, according to her, even the unborn can feel a different gender.”

     The time to stand in opposition is NOW.

“Tell children about social contagion, and relate it to fads. I have recently spent some time revisiting children’s literature and movies, and found a forgotten treasure trove of lessons. Use children’s literature. Teach character traits and read some fables about the classic scammers: foxes, scorpions, and pity trolls. Ask why people would want others to feel sorry for them?

“After laying the groundwork in what now amounts to a lost art of common sense and decency, parents can proceed to empower their children by handing reality back to them. Let children know that they have a right to boundaries, and that includes who they share intimate space with and who can see their bodies.

“Girls can refuse. Billy wants to pretend he is a girl while he is at school. His parents and school say is okay for him to wear girls’ clothes. The truth is, a naked girl is a girl, and Billy is still a boy. You and other children do not have to pretend anything you do not want to. You have the choice.

“Frame the situation to empower children against relativism and exaggeration. Kids can know that real conditions have real and painful symptoms that are not “cured” because the whole school pretends that Billy wearing a dress makes him a girl.

“More to the point, let kids know it is an unprecedented social demand on children that one person’s feelings must define many other kids’ reality. This social manipulation erodes other children’s rights. Ask them what they think. Other children have not agreed to be an active part of a schoolmates’ treatment plan or to listen to classmates, parents, activists, or school staff use suicide as emotional blackmail.”


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