The Golden State to Californians: Kill Yourself

     When a sane and rational individual thinks of a Suicide Help line, the sane and rational individual will likely think of a suicide prevention line.

     The California Supreme Soviet Legislature is neither sane nor rational.

     A California Bill (SB 1002), has the following provisio in the so-called “End of Life Option Act: telephone number“:

“The State Department of Public Health shall establish and line 24 maintain a toll-free telephone number for the purpose of receiving line 25 and responding to inquiries regarding the End of Life Option Act. line 26 The department shall post the telephone number on its Internet line 27 Web site. The telephone number shall operate during the regular line 28 business hours of the department and be available to the public.”

     A society obsessed with death will get what its obsessed with.

     A copy of the bill as introduced:

SB 1002 California Legislature Bill (2016)

     Hat Tip: Wesley J. Smith.

     A little mood music:

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