Quick Takes – Canada The Killer: One Doctor Kills Hundreds; Organ Harvesting From Non-Terminal Patients; Quebec Doctors Want Your Organs

     Another “quick takes” on items where there is too little to say to make a complete article, but is still important enough to comment on.

     The focus this time: Someone set up us the euthanasia? All your organs are belong to Canada!

     First, a little mood sketch:

     Carrying on…

Death, Rx

     Euthanasia has become so normalized that it has ceased to be seen as a sad but “signified” way to end suffering… and become something to boast about in Canada.

“For Wiebe, medical assistance in dying (MAID) is ‘incredibly rewarding’ work. She hasn’t faced nearly the same sort of stigma she once faced as an abortion provider and says that while she and her MAID colleagues ‘all work within the law,’ she’s also not as ‘conservative’ as some.

“What she isn’t prepared to share publicly is how often she has administered a fatal substance upon a patient’s request.

“‘I know the exact number,’ the Vancouver doctor said, ‘but I don’t want to do that, no. It’s become a weird thing, people talking about their numbers, or criticizing people who talk about their numbers.’

“‘Hundreds is good,’ she said. About 430 as of May 2022 alone, as she then testified before a special parliamentary committee on medical assistance in dying, or MAID.”

     Not dying of a terminal illness without “dignity”? Who cares, they still want to rip the organs out of your still living body.

“A new Canadian Medical Association Journal article updates recommendations for doctors to apply when euthanizing and organ harvesting non-terminally ill patients. The article was published in the wake of Canadian law now allowing patients who are not dying to ask for euthanasia — called ‘Track 2’ patients in the article. (Track 1 patients, those whose deaths are ‘reasonably foreseeable,’ have even more relaxed policies than Track 2.)”

“Due to space considerations, I will focus primarily on Track-2 patients — what a dehumanizing term to describe patients soon to be administered a lethal jab — which include the chronically ill, people with disabilities, the frail elderly, and starting next year, the mentally ill. From, ‘Deceased Organ and Tissue Donation After Medical Assistance in Dying’ (my emphasis):

“‘All Track 2 patients who are potentially eligible for organ donation should be approached for first-person consent for donation after MAiD once MAiD eligibility has been confirmed, regardless of when their eligibility for MAiD is confirmed within the 90-day assessment period. (New recommendation)’

“This means that the death doctor is to contact the organ-donation association, which, in turn, will contact the suicidal patient and ask for his or her organs (which already happens in Ontario). Note: The patient is not offered suicide prevention but is offered the option of becoming an organ donor.”

     If you don’t proactively offer your organs, you’ll be asked regardless.

“A little good news: Legalizing euthanasia for the mentally ill in Canada has been pushed back again, not because authorities think it is ethically twisted, profoundly negligent, and morally wrong — all of which are true — but because there are not enough mental-health professionals to decide which patients would be okay to kill. Oh, well. As they say, any port in a storm.

“Meanwhile, the push to use suicidal people who ask for the lethal jab as sources of organs continues. Ontario’s organ-donation organization already contacts patients who are scheduled to be killed by their doctors to ask for their livers, kidneys, and spleens. And so, too, in Quebec.”


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