Nothing quite says “mainstream support” like holding a political rally involving… Wiccan rituals!

Meanwhile... at the Bernie Sanders rally...
“Attending a rally for Bernie Sanders usually involves long lines and security screenings, but that wasn’t the case at an intimate, informal event Friday evening supporting the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign in a park here.
“Instead of metal detectors, entrance required burning ceremonial sweetgrass.
“Participants were ‘smudged,’ meaning the smoke from the sweetgrass was wafted over them before they could enter the sacred circle and begin a Wiccan ritual to support Sanders ahead of Oregon’s primary on Tuesday.
“;Welcome to the “Feeling the Bern ritual,”‘ Leigha Lafleur, 41, told the gathering as she prepared to lead them in the ‘amplification of positive energy of Bernie Sanders and the progressive movement.'”
Remind me again which party is the party of religious nutbags?
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